Support for authoritarianism after 9-1: authoritarianism construct still used?

Randy Earnest earnest at
Fri May 3 14:26:03 PDT 2002

Pleased to find that this sounds much like the authoritarianism construct used by Adorno et al in The Authoritarian Personality. Have I been mistaken in thinking this was pretty much a dead duck in mainstream academic psychology? Randy

"Other researchers have discovered that among other traits, people susceptible to authoritarian views tend to hold conventional middle-class values, are generally submissive to and uncritical of authorities and tend to look for, condemn and sometimes even punish those who violate the conventions, he said. Such people also tend to oppose imaginative and tender-minded others, think rigidly, identify with powerful figures, think cynically of humanity in general and show an exaggerated concern with sexual "goings-on."

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