Terror Inc.

Dennis Breslin dbreslin at ctol.net
Sat May 4 09:32:41 PDT 2002

Yoshie writes:

> As for Israel,
> the Empire continues to support its most important client state (now
> more isolated than ever in the sea of seething Arabs) despite the
> damages that Israel has done to the stability of its other client
> states (not to mention the ideological stock of the Empire), perhaps
> thinking that Israel is the one underling that it could really count
> on. The only silver lining is that the Empire appears to have
> entered the phase of imperial overreach.

Dennis Redmond sees the Empire vanquished by corruption and EuroAsia. Yoshie sees Empire omnipotent but ensnarled in its own tentacles. Dennis P. sees the need for the Empire to strike back. The ultimate insult: George Lucas will sue over intellectual copyright infringement.

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