Terror Inc.

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at earthlink.net
Sat May 4 12:34:25 PDT 2002

>Not the Empire -- the government of the US has a responsibility to protect
>its citizens from foreign attack. If you wanna wait around till America
>turns into an anarcho-syndicalist collective before hitting those who've hit
>us (assuming you'd ever want to do such a harsh thing), that's your choice.
>The rest of us (save for Yoshie) have to live in the real world.

you are actually providing justifications for the WTC attack. for in the overall scheme of things we hit "them" first and frankly much more consistantly and harder. more in the mode of a systematic destruction over the course of decades as opposed to a 1 lucky shot

is this debate not sufficiently old yet? i'm sorry but despite your (and those like you) best efforts the masses didn't become sufficiently radicalized for the brown shirts to take over (another old argument)


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