Anarchism vs. Marxism

Chuck Munson chuck at
Mon May 6 14:02:13 PDT 2002

Justin Schwartz wrote:

> >It would probably help everybody if they spent some time reading material
> >outside of their usual circles.
> Hear hear. Recommendations for anarchist reading?

My suggested reading list for anarchist reading tends to be unorthodox, since I find valuable books that aren't necessarily anarchist. Let me throw together a list:

* Understanding Power: the indispensable Chomsky - New anthology that covers the complete range of Noam Chomsky's thought. * Seeing Like a State by James Scott - An overview of statist schemes in the 20th century to use modernism to impose an aesthetic ideal on societies. Includes a very good overview of the state and how it strives to make everything it controls *legible.* * Class Matters by bell hooks - A fascinating and personal look at class by one of my favorite writers * Days of War, Nights of Love - The "Crimethinc book." The ghosts of situationism meet "Anarchy for Dummies." * I May Not Get There With You by Michael Eric Dyson - A controversial look at the life and politics of Martin Luther King, Jr. As a long time activist, I learned alot more about MLK, Jr. and got some insight into the politics that I've experienced.

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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."

-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)

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