75 professors who deserve your complete support

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at earthlink.net
Tue May 7 06:58:29 PDT 2002

>''It's ridiculous,'' said Paul Gottesman, who recently stepped down as
>president of the zionist Jewish Law Student Association at Harvard. ''The
>people who are involved in this divestment campaign are basically trying to
>impose economic sanctions on Israel. These are the same people who
>continually oppose economic sanctions against countries like Cuba and Iraq.
>So I wonder what their motivations are.'

safe to say this fellow won't be representing me in a court of law

"your honor even though my client isn't jewish these charges are a blatant attack against Israel and if i may insinuate anti semitism......i must point out that it would be hypocritical to prosecute these charges when similiar charges against latinos and arabs are often thrown out of court"


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