Re; Anti-imperialism in the Core...
Just got a new book by Kristen Ross on May '68 as event, memory and polemical distortion mirror for ex-gaucheists. "May '68 and it's afterlife, "Univ. of Chicago Press. For someone who writes for Critical Inquiry, it's very readable.Examines such teexts as Pascal Bruckner's, "Tears of the White Man," The latter work, part of "The New Philosophers"(ex-Maoist Andre Glucksmann, Bernard Henri Levy et. al) were the beginning of the end of the third worldist, anti-imperialism of the french intelligentsia.
For a more jaundiced view on the same see, "Past Imperfect," by frequent NYRB contributor, Tony Judt.Books in Review: Past Imperfect ... Books in Review. Past Imperfect. ... Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals 1944-56. By Tony Judt. University of California Press. 348 pp. $30. ...
Michael Pugliese