on the , "axis of EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeevil...." (Richard Burton in Exorcist II)

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Thu May 9 10:57:49 PDT 2002

Heh, Diane, methinks you meant El Jefe Maximo Caudillo Fidel's position of the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in '68, in which Fidel supported the Brezhnev Doctrine.

And, yes, for the zillionth time ;-) I don't align myself with say the gusanos in the CANF. (Who, btw, last yr. had a split to the Right (!) from the Son of their founder, J. Mas Canosa.)

My position is roughly the same as Sam Farber's in his pieces in New Politics, the left Shactmanite journal.

For much more that is part of my knowledge base on Cuban socialism see these that I've either read in whole or part.

French Trotskyist, Jeanette Habel, "Revolution In Peril, " Verso Books, circa 1991.

James O' Connor's mid 60's book on the revo.

Victim of McCarthyism, Manfred Helperin's 3 volumes from U.C. Press on Fidelismo.

Bios of Che by Jon Lee Anderson and Jorge Casteneda. (As well as the latter's book on the Latin Am. Left after the Cold War, usefully critiqued by James Dunkerly in New Left Review.)

"Castro's Final Hour?, " by Miami Herald reporter, Andres Oppenheimer. (The Herald, btw, is boycotted by the gusanos in Miami as too left!)

Rene Dumont, "Cuba: Is It Socialist?" "Guerillas In Power, " by K. S. Karol.

"The New Cuba, " edited by a then still recognizably New Left historian Ron Radosh in '75 or so after a Venceremos Brigade junket. Read up about, Socialist Lobotomies, " vs., "Capitalist Lobotomies."

"The Cuba Reader, " edited by Phillip Brenner? Grove Press.

"Cuban Communism, " edited by neo-con, I.L. Horowitz.

"The Cuban Counter-Revolution, " newly translated from an official Cuban report on the counter-revolutionary opposition. Univ. of New Mexico Press, I think.

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