Gore in '04?

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org
Thu May 9 16:17:01 PDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: eric dorkin

>Let me see if I get this right........Edwards is dead because he "faltered"
>on Meet the Press in the spring of 2002???? Now there is wishful thinking!
> There is no way Edwards could have looked or performed worse than
>Bush did DURING the run-up to the general election. Edwards may not
> be the nominee, but it won't be because of his most recent performance
> on Meet the Press.

I think this is a version of conservatives trying to pump up Gore and downplay Edwards, who they no doubt see as a much greater threat. From a purely pragmatic viewpoint, Edwards looks pretty good. Liberal enough to have voted against Bush tax plan and get pretty high ratings from most liberal groups, populist enough to get elected in North Carolina, and rich enough never to have to worry about campaign fundraising if the pinch comes.

And in the wake of Enron/Anderson trials, being a trial lawyer will probably not be a liability; it may even be an asset.

-- Nathan Newman

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