Russia's chief rabbi calls Kaspiisk bombers heirs of Nazis

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Sat May 11 01:26:00 PDT 2002

Russia's chief rabbi calls Kaspiisk bombers heirs of Nazis

MOSCOW. May 10 (Interfax) - Russia's chief rabbi Berl Lazar has demanded merciless punishment for the organizers of the Thursday act of terrorism in Kaspiisk.

"On the sacred anniversary of victory over Nazism, the terrorists again reminded of themselves by killing civilians, including innocent children, in cold blood," says his statement, received by Interfax on Friday.

"In an attempt to sow fear among us these heirs of the Nazis are acting cynically and their ways are always the same - here in Russia, in the United States and in Israel," the message says.

"There should be no mercy for the organizers of these murders," the rabbi says. "Terrorism knows no borders or nationality," and therefore "all of progressive humankind should unite to fight this evil."

Lazar denounced all forms of terrorism and expressed confidence that "the time will soon come when it will be resolutely stopped."

"We pray to God for peace, we pray for the souls of those killed, for the health of those who are on the frontline of combating barbarity, and for the speedy recovery of everyone affected by the tragedy," the message says.

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