Brad DeLong wrote:
> I seem to have fallen into an Orwellian neverland: I had not known
> that there was anyone who denied that at some deep level Marx thought
> of value as a substance--something created by socially-necessary
> labor power, and thereafter preserved as commodities moved through
> the sphere of circulation (let's not get into the destruction of
> capital in crises).
> Why else the extraordinary efforts to solve the "transformation
> problem"? Why else the insistence that the total amount of profits
> had to be equal to the total surplus values? Why the systematic
> denigration of the social value of all "unproductive labor"?
> To call a basic point in history of thought a "cheap sneer" surprises me...
> Brad DeLong
Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University michael at Chico, CA 95929 530-898-5321 fax 530-898-5901