"The Nazification of Israel, " by Aijaz Ahmad

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon May 13 10:36:05 PDT 2002


The very title of the piece, is deliberately inflammatory. Solid, empirically based reports by groups like Human Rights Watch, which, I remind y'all, has staffers like Reed Brophy, author of , "Contra Terror In Nicaragua, " from South End Press in 1986 and Joe Stork, ex-editor of the leftist MERIP journal on the Middle East, was recently interviwed by the editors of, "Rethinking Marxism." Those pesky postmodernist, post-Althusserians that take civil society and Hardt and Negri seriously.

For a counterpoint to the Aijaz Ahmed, see the scholarship of French leftist, anti-racist, Pierre-Andre Taguieff, available in a recent book on anti-racism from Univ. of Minnesota Press and a new one, if you read French, "La Nouvelle Judeophobia, " (The New Judeophobia). Telos, when it made it turn towards paleo-conservatism away from Frankfurt School neo-marxism, in their special double issue on the French New Right, published several of taguieff's stinging rebuttals to the leading French New Right intellectuals who have incorporated motifs of 60's "leftist" anti-imperialist discourse into their nasty brew.

(The new book by Kristin Ross on May '68 from Univ. of Chicago Press also provides some background on the shifting currents of ideological fashion in France occasioned by the very late discovery in the late 70's of what Pierre Rousset (a neo-Trotskyist intellctual aligned with Sartre briefly after WWII) tried to alert them to, namely the camps in the fSU. Ah but, as Jean Paul Sartre defensively said, the workers in Billaincourt in the PCF's Red Belt could not bear to hear the truth and, in his break with Maurice Merleau-Ponty circa the Korean War said, "An anti-Communist Is A Rat." Took Sartre, until '68 to wake up from that.(See, "The Socialism That Came In From From The Cold, " by Sartre on the Warsaw Pact invasion of socialist Czechoslovakia in '68.

Michael Pugliese, http://www.ultra-leftistcantwatch.com and http://neokonservatismus-kulturbolshewismus.com and http://dwightmacdonaldwouldbehorrified.com and http://www.marxistsagainstbarrackscommunism.com

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