> http://www.flonnet.com/f11908/119080100.htm
>Not Found
>The requested URL /f11908/119080100.htm was not found on this server.
> The very title of the piece, is deliberately inflammatory.
And what about the content? Editors and authors have been known to put inflammatory titles on pieces to attract attention. What does Ahmad say, and what do you disagree with?
>Solid, empirically based reports by groups like Human Rights
>Watch, which, I remind y'all, has staffers like Reed Brophy,
>author of , "Contra Terror In Nicaragua, " from South End Press
>in 1986 and Joe Stork, ex-editor of the leftist MERIP journal
>on the Middle East, was recently interviwed by the editors of,
>"Rethinking Marxism."
Something's missing in this sentence.