Or is it that critics of Sharon say that it isn't a car if you remove the air conditioner and the GPS system?
Brad DeLong
Okay, let's start with a minimal definition of a state, from Charles Tilly:
"A state's essential minimum activities form a trio: -statemaking: attacking and checking competitors and challengers within the territory claimed by the state -warmaking: attacking rivals outside the territory already claimed by the state; -protection: attacking and checking rivals of the rulers' principal allies, whether inside our outside the state's claimed territory. No state lasts long, however, that neglects a crucial fourth activity: -extraction: drawing from its subject population the means of statemaking, warmaking, and protection." (Coercion, Capital, and European States, AD 990-1992, Blackwell 1992, p. 96)
Now, given that this is what states do, you might well adopt a (Carl) Schmittian approach and say, "These people are our foes. No way do they get a state." That's what the Knesset has done. But none of this bullshit about air-conditioning and GPS until you've tried to live for a month on the water ration that a Palestinian would have under this "state".