"The Nazification of Israel, " by Aijaz Ahmad

Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Mon May 13 13:51:09 PDT 2002

>Brad DeLong wrote:
>>Yet another example of how editors are Childen of the Devil. It's
>>hard enough making your own points in what you write, without
>>having someone else load their points on your back too...
>Since several esteemed editors of my acquaintance lurk on this list,
>I don't want to dis the species. But they do have a way of saying,
>"We think this piece would work better if...," and then proceed to
>outline the article they'd write if they weren't editors, not the
>one you want to write.

Many reporters, too. Those who begin conversations with, "Don't you think that..."

Brad DeLong

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