The Davis-Besse pill

Diane Monaco dmonaco at
Tue May 14 10:12:58 PDT 2002

Residents within a 10 mile radius of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant, that was operating with a rust hole the size of a baseball on the top of its reactor, will now receive potassium iodide pills from the NRC to protect themselves from thyroid cancer in the event of a nuclear fallout.

Now I think the NRC, who have been reluctant to use the pill in the past because it could provide a "false sense of security and impede an evacuation", has it all wrong. It's not the pill that provides a "false sense of security" [NRC's words], rather it's the NRC's ability to regulate that provides a "false sense of security" [Diane's words] -- and no sort of pill can alleviate this problem.



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