Hmm. well the judicial murders of Rakovsky, Preobrazensky, Pashukinus, Kamenev, Zinoviev, etc. had not occurred yet by '32. However Kronstadt was '21, the banning of the Mensheviks and Left SR's and organized factions in the Bolshevik Party had occurred yrs. before. The "Engineers Trial, " was in '28 if memory serves. The wreckless, de-kulakization had begun.
Tariq Ali, no stooge of imperialist reaction he, edited, "The Stalinist Legacy: It's Impact On World Politics, " in '84 for Penguin. Lynne-Rienner pubs. in Boulder reissued it a few yrs. ago. Contents are mostly taken from classic essays from New Left Review by such as socialist historians, Moshe Lewin, Marcel Liebman, Ernest Mandel, Comrade Khruschev's speech to the '56 CPSU Party Congress, Christian Rakovsky, Perry Anderson, Isaac Deutscher, Trotsky, Michael Lowy, Daniel Singer, Pierre Rousset. The book forms, along with ancillary works like Russian marxist historian's, Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge, " and, "The Alternative In Eastern Europe, " by R. Bahro and a book of essays on Bahro with Marcuse, "Red Rudi, " Deutschke of the German student movement of '68 and Ernest Mandel, published by M.E. Sharpe pubs, the basis of my my anti-Stalinist left views on the fSU and the PRC. (On the PRC see also, "Party, Army and Masses in China, " by Italian Trotskyist, Livio Maitan, a book Verso put out around '70 when they were called, "New Left Books."