More tedious metaethics

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Tue May 14 09:02:44 PDT 2002

More tedious metaethics Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 12:45:44 -0700 From: Brad DeLong <delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU>

>>It's probably a good idea not to fetishize "value" as if it were
>>some substance that ethical action intends to maximize.
>No one thinks value is a substance.

Save Karl Marx, of course, who thought value was created by "productive labor", and could not be created or destroyed--but only transformed and transferred--thereafter...


CB: The value of a commodity could be added to thereafter by more productive labor creating more value.

It could be destroyed if the underlying use-value were destroyed. Value requires a use-value substratrum in Marx's model.

Marx's meaning of commodity value in political economy doesn't seem to be identical with "moral value" as on this thread. Marx does seem to make political and social values prior to "moral" values. His metaethics is politics and socialist sociality.

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