Don't commit fraud [addendum]

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at
Thu May 16 13:32:09 PDT 2002

>Here's some free legal advice: don't commit fraud. Deliberately running up
>your credit cards with the intention of not paying them because you planned
>to declare bankruptcy could expose you to both criminal and civil liability.
>It might be bankruptcy fraud, credit fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. You
>could go to jail and have to pay restitution; you might be subject to civil
>penalties. Consult a lawyer and make sure that your debt-evasive activities
>are legal.


don't commit fraud unless it is a legal insurance. it is illegal to commit fraud unless you have a license to do so from the government. the law is very strict in these regards. same goes with extortion, slander, and libel as well. in many cases the government may even assist you with your extortion and fraud efforts.


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