second wave attacks

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Sun May 19 17:33:19 PDT 2002

> It is a problem. But do you trust the very agents & institutions that
> had a large hand in creating the problem to solve it? We've got a
> principal (people like us who'd like to stay alive) / agent (the U.S.
> imperial state) issue here.
> Doug

No, not entirely, which is why a truly radical left that can shift its critique and action as history and geopolitics shift would be a tremendous boon for what passes for civilization. But to grant everything to the status quo, to oppose the Afghan intervention based on previous struggles, is self-defeating. In the short term Bush's gang actually got it right and saved millions of lives while (temporarily) dispatching mass murdering theocrats -- the same way Eisenhower got it right with Suez in 1956, to cite one grand example. But the short term isn't everything, and a real left -- not a fantasy one based on campuses and in small sectarian groups -- would recognize this and act accordingly. Instead we have . . . well, what we have.


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