Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 20:12:49 -0700 To: lbo-talk at From: Bradford DeLong <jbdelong at> Subject: Re: second wave attacks Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id XAA02097
> > It is a problem. But do you trust the very agents & institutions that
>> had a large hand in creating the problem to solve it? We've got a
>> principal (people like us who'd like to stay alive) / agent (the U.S.
>> imperial state) issue here.
> > Doug
Ummm.... Solving this principal/agent problem is called "democratic politics." If you don't like the thought of Paul Wolfowitz and Elliott Abrams guiding American foreign policy, think that Al Gore would not have appointed them.
Use your vote! Don't throw it away on somebody who wanders around France saying: "Le remplacement de votre cuisine traditionnelle par des nourritures standardisÈes de firmes multinationales ý haute teneur en graisses et sucres est plus qu'un affront ý vos cultures, c'est une arme de destruction massive".
"Les armes de destruction massive" are thermonuclear bombs, widely-distributed powdered anthrax, and nerve gas--not McChicken sandwiches...
Brad DeLong