> >Powell apparently gave an ultimatum to Musharaff immediately after
>> 9/11 and
> >brought about a U turn in Pakistan's policy of supporting Taliban. He
> >do it again, if he wanted to.
> Ultimata work *only* if you are angry and insane enough to actually
> start frying the asses of large numbers of people if they are
> rejected. In the aftermath of 911, Musharraf knew damn well that the
> answer in Washington to "Pakistan is still supporting the Taliban"
> was "Bombs away!"
> Today, I don't believe that the answer in Washington to "Pakistan is
> supporting separatist guerillas in Kashmir" is "Bombs away!" and I'm
> sure that Musharraf doesn't believe that either.
I wasn't suggesting that the US give an ultimatum and 'bomb away' Pakistan, if necessary. India ought to handle Kashmir issue on her own. India does not need the US intervention.