Do Everythinger

kelley at kelley at
Fri May 24 10:49:14 PDT 2002

At 11:08 AM 5/24/02 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
>kelley at wrote:
>>oh, no no no. you have forgotten all the claims made about how we can't
>>influence the administration, we can't stop a war. were these claims not
>>made repeatedly in criticism of doug? but, doug, why bother? we can't
>>change what the administration does. we can't influece it. doug, you
>>should be out beating the streets.
>But not looking for converts, of course....

but christians have christ in their hearts before they ever dreamed of being christians.

heh. another thing i don't get is this: isn't part of organizing educating others? pamplets, essays, newsletters, polemics, debates, film viewings, etc.? who is supposed to be writing this stuff if everyone is supposed to be organizing?


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