Hitchens takes on SA and Tarique Ali

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sat May 25 14:38:07 PDT 2002

>In a ridiculous recent book titled The Clash of Fundamentalisms, Tariq
>Ali begins by saying that "there exists no exact, incontrovertible
>evidence about who ordered the hits on New York and Washington," and
>then goes on to state, exactly and incontrovertibly enough, that with
>these hits, "the subjects of the Empire had struck back." Wrong. Wrong
>twice. As wrong as could be. These attacks came from the servants and
>satraps of the Empire, and the Empire's managers are culpable for a
>little bit more than their failure to foresee them.

I don't understand how people can argue that the US created the Taliban, etc. and then going on saying that the oppressed of the world are striking back. As long as the Empire is hurt, it's a good thing? Or rather that the Empire has no right complain, let alone prevent future attacks?

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