japan last

jean-christophe helary suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
Sat May 25 16:49:05 PDT 2002

<Doug Henwood>-----
> jean-christophe helary wrote:
> >don't you have anything about what is going on now in japan in your press ?
> The most frequent story about Japan in the U.S. press is that it's
> fucked up because it's not enough like the U.S. Everything else takes
> a distant back seat to that narrative.

i am reading 'dogs and deamons' by alex kerr (penguin) he wrote 'lost japan' a while ago (lonely planet). what he writes looks like enron x 1000 at every level of the state. the book gives a very uneasy feeling about japan (although not as uneasy as 'the secret of japanese power').

according to the jcp's paper 'red flag' (second or third in terms of sales in japan i heard) there are demos almost everyday. 40,000 people in tokyo this week to oppose the war bill. there seem to be a huge opposition but the main stream media does not seem to report that much and i really could not find anything else in english than those 3 papers.

more later ?

jc helary

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