Max B. Sawicky wrote:
>Where's the original Hitch piece?
>I don't understand this. He seems to be saying stuff
>he was roasting others for saying last year.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-lbo-talk at
>[mailto:owner-lbo-talk at]On Behalf Of Peter K.
>Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 5:38 PM
>To: lbo-talk at
>Subject: Re: Hitchens takes on SA and Tarique Ali
>>In a ridiculous recent book titled The Clash of Fundamentalisms, Tariq
>>Ali begins by saying that "there exists no exact, incontrovertible
>>evidence about who ordered the hits on New York and Washington," and
>>then goes on to state, exactly and incontrovertibly enough, that with
>>these hits, "the subjects of the Empire had struck back." Wrong. Wrong
>>twice. As wrong as could be. These attacks came from the servants and
>>satraps of the Empire, and the Empire's managers are culpable for a
>>little bit more than their failure to foresee them.
>I don't understand how people can argue that the US created the Taliban,
>and then going on saying that the oppressed of the world are striking back.
>As long
>as the Empire is hurt, it's a good thing? Or rather that the Empire has no
>right complain, let alone prevent future attacks?