The Devil and Mr. Hicks

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Mon May 27 19:29:44 PDT 2002

> If only Joe knew that your question was purely rhetorical,
> he could have saved himself the trouble of eliciting Standard
> Summary Dismissal #2. Think of the electrons you've wasted.
> -- Gordon

Sweet of you to think of wasted electrons (an electron is a terrible thing to waste), but my original question was quite specific, and Joe answered by offering could-be/might-be scenarios via Indymedia.

In the second link I caught this Q & A:

"Why discuss what an anarchist society would be like at all?"

"Partly, in order to indicate why people should become anarchists."

So now anarchism is a single, definable entity that can be sold? Sounds like Christianity or Marxism to me. The Brave New Tomorrow seems a lot like the Corrupt Old Today.


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