Greens Go Nuts- Nominate opponent to Wellstone

/ dave / arouet at
Tue May 28 22:51:34 PDT 2002

On Sun, 26 May 2002, Nathan Newman wrote:

>The Greens argued that they differed from progressive Democrats in that they
>would create an organization that could consistently elect good candidates.
>What Minnesota shows is all they have created is an organization bent on
>nominating spoiler candidates, whatever their politics.

What I heard on the radio today is this: The Minnesota Greens who put up a nominee to oppose Wellstone did so primarily because, as they now have ballot status in Minnesota, they need to endorse an official candidate or "anyone" can step in and grab the ballot position as a Green.

The nomination of the Wellstone "spoiler," a Lakota Sioux with degrees in Biology and Law, was apparently extremely controversial within the Green party ranks. For what it's worth, Nader's vice-presidential running mate Winona LaDuke (a Minnesota resident) has come out in opposition to the decision.


/ dave /

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