Vidal interview - available now!

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed May 29 12:47:26 PDT 2002

R wrote:

>great interview, doug.

Thanks. I wish I'd pressed him harder on his softness on the Euro-right. Just before we started recording, I heard that Pim Fortuyn had been shot. I told Vidal that - he hadn't heard - and his first comment was, "Must have been a homophobe." He continued, saying that he was a pretty good guy, etc. In the interview, he explained the rise of the Euro-right as a reaction against U.S. power and a symptom of anxieety over national identity. That's kind of creepy. And he was way too soft on Buchanan too. He waw pretty taken aback when I mentioned that neo-Nazi Tom Metzger was selling a videotape of one of his lectures - that's apparent not only in the interview, but he brought it up again later as he was leaving.

>what time is your WBAI show?

Thursdays, 5-6 PM NYC time. Tomorow's guests are Bill Wolman & Anne Colamosca, authors of The Great 401(k) hoax, and Judith Levine, author of Harmful to Minors, the scandal-causing book about kids and sex.


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