Hitchens gay?

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Wed May 29 17:43:56 PDT 2002

>I always took his effete personal styling to be modelled on one of those
>louche Dirk Bogarde characters, the cynical colonial officer who -
>though he ultimately deplores the old British Empire - still faces down
>the fanatical and murderous nationalists, who lack common human decency.
>This character requires a slightly sweaty-looking two-day stubble,
>off-white suit and a bottle of whisky.
>James Heartfield
>The 'Death of the Subject' Explained is available at GBP11.00, plus GBP1.00 p&p
>from Publications, audacity.org, 8 College Close, Hackney, London, E9 6ER. Make
>cheques payable to 'Audacity Ltd'

Studs Terkel said he reminded him of the old-school James Cameron http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JcameronJ.htm about whom I know little. Any UKanians know anything about him?

What about the New Statesman? I though it was a tepid, vacillating, unprincipled Third Wayish sheet.

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