Chomsky News Network

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Thu May 30 09:56:55 PDT 2002

People want to hear him say and mean it:
>I live
>in the greatest country on the planet. they want to hear him say, I love
>this country so fucking much that I want us to do better. I love the
>people in this country. I know we're a compassionate people. I know we want
>freedom and equality and peace. And I want our nation state to do what i
>know American people stand for because I know they don't stand for death,
>destruction, and terror.
>Now, I don't know if Chomsky is capable of that. Are any of us capable of
>saying the above and meaning it?

Me, pretty much. I believe all that. Except for the "greatest country on earth" stuff, which has a PT Barnumish sound to me ("the greatest show on earth!"). I've said it too, in public. It doesn't help much.

After more than two decades in the peace movement, my mother in law still thinks that this federal judicial employee and future big firm corporate lawyer is a unpatriotic rotten doctor commie rat who makes bombs in the basement. (To the FBI: I do NOT!) This weekend I was going about NYC wearing, as I do when I travel, a military-style beret. It's easier to carry than my usual fedora. In fact it is probably a military beret, I picked it up at an army-navy surplus store, My MiL remarked to my espouza, Why does he wear that? Doesn't he know that SOME PEOPLE might find it offensive?

Yours in futile patriotism.


Do you want to criticize the US
>you think the US is a nation of good and decent people, etc? I think that,
>on some left principles, it is anathema to say that.

Still, I think it's true, that this, that we are a good and decent people, mostly.


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