Chomsky News Network

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Thu May 30 12:35:13 PDT 2002

eric dorkin wrote: "or perhaps that there is not something inherently bad about the American people?"

This belongs in the same category as those slanders on the anti-vietnam war movement that we spit on GIs when they came home. Who the fuck has ever said that "there is something inherently bad about the American people"? And don't give that shit about "some leftists." Name them and provide an analysis that they constitute a substantial element on the left.

Probably the closest one _could_ come to saying there is something inherently et cetera is to notice that U.S. history (as I alluded to in my phrase "city on the hill") has generated a mass illusion that America is by definition holy, and that only spawn (pawns) of the devil could say otherwise. The Germans were not inherently evil -- but there was no difference between the German People 1933-45 and the American People 1899-2002. Both supported criminal regimes.


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