Are Marches Pep-Rallies? (was Antiwar Protest Largest Since '60s)

Dddddd0814 at Dddddd0814 at
Tue Nov 5 14:24:24 PST 2002

Chuck0: I certainly don't have "mobilization envy," since last weekend's protest was small by Washington standards.

David: ....But if it was any larger, "the streets around the White House wouldn't hold that many people", right? I'm still trying to figure out if your constant self-contradictions are intentional, or if you are just oblivious.....

Chuck0: Your suggestion that the anti-war movement is "lead" by Stalinists is hyperbolic.

David: Actually, you were the one who originally made this suggestion. I was just trying to follow up and encourage you to question why the WWP have had even the limited degree of success they've had. There is definitely a larger picture here than the individual self-worth of leaders. I think a good place to start would be to go back a little in history and look at how J. Edgar Hoover attempted to wipe out Communists and leftists of all ilk.

Chuck: I relate my criticisms of ANSWER and the WWP as an anarchist activist in Washington, DC. I work with a range of anarchists, socialists, liberals, NGOniks, and community activists. I've been to more than a few IAC demos in my life, as well as many Washington protests. I think that my criticisms, as a local organizer, is more valuable than some long anti-imperialist analysis.

David: Uh.... what criticisms?

Chuck: OK, let me just say that the WWP subscribes to a simple-minded brand of anti-imperialism, otherwise known as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

David: Is this the criticism?

Chuck: As for a broader anti-imperialist analysis, I'll leave that to anarchist writers like Noam Chomsky and leftists like Tariq Ali.

David: That's right, Chuck... defer to authority figures....

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