Al-Q Honcho Hit

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Wed Nov 6 10:58:36 PST 2002

> I know JKS is a big fan of the rule of law, and I
> agree, there are good things about it. But I still
> think it's important to keep in mind that the human
> species thrived quite successfully for tens of
> thousands of years (or more, depending on how you
> define "humans") without anything like the rule of
> law.

Do you mean there were no institutionalized (even if unwritten) rules of social interaction in pre-historic societies? Fercrissake, Miles, your view of humanity is wrose than that of animals? Ever heard of the pecking order?

A related point - I think that jks' interpretation of my argument as that I supposedly see human nature as "independent variable" (by which I presume jks meant a factor that has an autonomous existence) is a bit harsh. I am pretty much against individualism, I believe that the individual is a creation of social conditions. What I meant by "natural state" was simply a heuristic device to denote human interaction without institutionalized rules of behavior - which can easily escalete into war of all against all. But it is, of course, possible that institutional rules of behavior may encourage violence against certain individuals.


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