the ultimate death toll-er?

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Nov 6 18:12:28 PST 2002

Frank, take a reading comprehension course.
>... Acknowledging the mass murder of leftists by regimes that had origins in
leftist ideology while, never forgetting the slaughter of some 2.8 million Vietnamese by the U.S. and French, hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans, Nicaraguans and Salvadoreans or remembering that 9/11 was also the date of the Coup in Chile in '73, still seems to be impossible to some hidebound curmudgeons, I see though...

That was me a few days ago.

I'd recommend you do what I did a while back and look at the Guatemalan military intelligence docs at the National Security Archive website.

And, fwiw, another cite, on CIA abetted Indonesian slaughter. Kathy Kadane of States News Service in '91 had a series of articles in the SF Chronicle on it. Along w/ Allen Nairn writting in The Progressive also on Guatemalan military intelligence and the Control Data Corp. data base mngmnt. system they sold them that faciluitated the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans from '54 to the 90's. Michael Pugliese

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