hey perrin, did you pen the editorial in todays's Daily News?

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Thu Nov 7 06:23:37 PST 2002

>Or do you consider it legitimate for any self-appointed vigilante to go out and kill anyone merely
accused of a crime. Is that the sort of society you would want to live in? If not, how dare you say it is OK for your government to turn the rest of the world into that sort of society. Please shit in your own backyard, not someone else's.
>Bill Bartlett
>Bracknell Tas

An example of someone on the left who equates the US and Al Qaeda. The thing is in Afghanistan the US had the same opportunity to kill Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban and friend to Osama, but the military lawyers nixed it. Does anyone have any information about this episode? I would argue it's to the credit of the anti-Vietnam War moment specifically and anti-war movements in general that this occured even though maybe it would have been a good idea to kill Omar.


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