David Corn: troubling origins of the anti-war movement

/ dave / arouet at winternet.com
Thu Nov 7 11:38:10 PST 2002

Carrol Cox wrote:

> (That said, I tend to agree with you that the leadership is apt to be

> mostly female. I would be interested to hear your reasons. The New

> Communist group that lasted the longest, the LRS, had mostly women in

> its top leadership -- and those women were mostly non-white.)

Of course capitalism already has a shell in the chamber, given that both Condoleezza and Hillary are likely to step into the forefront as presidential contenders in the near future.

(That we are accustomed to identifying them both by their first names says something about the role of women in the process thusfar *and* the spectacle inherent in their ascent.)


/ dave /

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