Attack Of The Liberals

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Tue Nov 12 15:13:10 PST 2002

Mark Pavlick wrote:
> They are right that Clark is not a sound leader, and
> >that the Workers World Party front group poses a serious, long-term threat
> >to the Left if it continues to grow and garner support from diverse groups.

Gee: "If it continues to grow and garner support." Gee. We wouldn't want democracy on the left if it came up with the wrong answers, would we? I bet the writer of this is a staunch anti-stalinist who disapproves of anti-democratic sectarianism. No sectarian like an anti-sectarian.


(It won't "grow" because it isn't structure for growth -- & Max is quite correct about fronts absorbing the groups that create them.)

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