Anarchism Defined? (was Re: Village Voice: Abandon Democrats and join the anarchists)

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Nov 13 00:23:37 PST 2002

patti smith grew up a Jehovah Witness. David Thomas of Pere Ubu still is one.
Newton, Merlin (1995) Armed with the Constitution: Jehovah's Witnesses in Alabama and the US Supreme Court, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press Outstanding Books by Subject 1984-Present: ABLEISM ABOLITION/SM ABORTION RIGHTS ACADEMIC FREEDOM ADOLESCENTS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AFRICAN AMERICAN AFRICAN DIASPORA AIDS AMERICAN INDIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE ANIMAL RIGHTS ANTI-COMMUNISM ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ANTI-NUCLEAR ANTI-RACISM <SNIP> Patti Smith - People have the power

Artist Patti Smith

Album Dream of Life

Song People have the power

I was dreaming in my dreaming of an aspect bright and fair and my sleeping it was broken but my dream it lingered near in the form of shining valleys where the pure air recognized and my senses newly opened I awakened to the cry that the people / have the power to redeem / the work of fools upon the meek / the graces shower it's decreed / the people rule

The people have the power The people have the power The people have the power The people have the power

Vengeful aspects became suspect and bending low as if to hear and the armies ceased advancing because the people had their ear and the shepherds and the soldiers lay beneath the stars exchanging visions and laying arms to waste / in the dust in the form of / shining valleys where the pure air / recognized and my senses / newly opened I awakened / to the cry


Where there were deserts I saw fountains like cream the waters rise and we strolled there together with none to laugh or criticize and the leopard and the lamb lay together truly bound I was hoping in my hoping to recall what I had found I was dreaming in my dreaming god knows / a purer view as I surrender to my sleeping I commit my dream to you


The power to dream / to rule to wrestle the world from fools it's decreed the people rule it's decreed the people rule LISTEN I believe everything we dream can come to pass through our union we can turn the world around we can turn the earth's revolution we have the power People have the power ... Search Lyrics

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