Is it sex? Or is it memorex? (Re: sex and the left)

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at
Thu Nov 14 07:23:44 PST 2002

> Virgo
> 5' 6"
> 44HCupLady-28-38
> Green Hair
> Violet Eyes
> Likes: Baking apple pies, typing taglines, long walks on a moonlit beach,
> dead lifts with free weights, the blues, jazz, and industrial folk,
> stroking my lesbian phallus, dancing, and the smell of axle grease and
> newly mown grass, and long bubble baths with my lover til we turn to prunes
> and the candles melt into pools of granite-hard (ooo!) impossible-to-remove
> wax (doncha jiss love that?)
> Dislikes: Oooooo. None. I like *everything*. Well, except for wankers who
> type in the third person interrogative on a discussion list. THAT is
> soooooooooo boorish. Rilly, rilly boorish.
> Religion: Jiss Xtian
> Politics: Rimming as Political Ontology and Praxis. No, rilly.
> Something special about me: I will send you cards every major holiday and
> birthday if you take my apple pie.
> Your turn. <bats eyelashes and smiles demurely>

Scorpio ...and therefore taking the more-mysterious-than-you line for all the rest especially the likes and dislikes -- you think i wouldn't make you sweat for those?

and yes, yes, damnit i am marking the essays, i understand the marks are supposed to be in tomorrow -- are you sure you're not an aries?


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