Hitchens on Mencken

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sun Nov 17 10:06:28 PST 2002

>. . . Hitchens, writing in Grand Street in 1985 (in a piece that used to be
>on your site, Peter, didn't it? is it now inconvenient? . . .
>Original context and relevance in the thread aside,
>what's the answer to this question?

I did have it linked but the source was a holocaust revisionist website (I guess b/c Chomsky wrote that preface/forward) and after some time people suggested I delink it because of that. I came around to their line of thinking, partly because the losers at Media Whores Online were circulating the slander that Hitchens was a Holocaust denier. If either of you are aware of another link let me know and I'll gladly put it up. Jeesh.

I do think Hitchens is sending slightly mixed signals - like the government and its terrorist attack warnings - by saying the left is irrelevant and then continuing to engage "it." I don't think Pollitt's recent column was very good even though I do like and respect her.


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