Ruy Teixeira on the elections

Ian Murray seamus2001 at
Tue Nov 19 12:47:32 PST 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony Kennerson" <maroondog244 at>

>'s a link to a particularly strong critique of Texeira's
analysis from the left by Anis Shivani:
> Although it sometimes ventures into the territory of romantizing "the
working class white male" too much for my tastes, it is nevertheless on target on the fallacy of relying on the Democrats for a left (or even liberal) resurgence.
> Anthony



"Judis and Teixeira assume that old-fashioned racist (or nationalist) appeals won't work anymore. Clearly, they still do. Nixon and Wallace decried busing, and Reagan fetishized "state's rights" (the code word for racism), as well as "law and order," "welfare cheating," and support for capital punishment. Bush and his band have their own code words, which their constituents understand clearly enough."


Has anyone collated and catalogued these Bush II code words into one convenient booklet or otherwise accessible "package"?


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