Alan Wolfe: US no empire

Peter K. peterk at
Tue Nov 19 16:39:27 PST 2002

Alan Wolfe:
>... For many years, Americans have resisted any expensive and long-lasting
>involvement with countries whose ways of life are thoroughly unfamiliar. We
>resist an imperial role for America not because we are humanitarians and
>internationalists but because we are stingy with our government and lack
>genuine interest in the rest of the world. Our best defenses against empire,
>as it turns out, lie not in our virtues but in our vices.

Except of course there's Israel and the foreign aid we give them. And the Treasury department's assault on Russia. Somewhat larger than the government is the "market" and its pre-election assault on Brazil.

Wolfe seems to have a somewhat idealized vision of America.


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