Contact Information, Etc. Re: Corn transcript

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Wed Nov 20 02:23:39 PST 2002

At 8:21 PM -0500 11/19/02, Liza Featherstone wrote:
>But casting all critics as "red-baiters," is a really twisted
>externalization mechanism on the part of these parties and sympathizers who
>share their totalitarian mentality (I know I'm going to get nailed for that
>last phrase, but the impulse to silence criticism IS totalitarian): there's
>nothing about ourselves we need to examine, we're victims, let's demonize
>and/or try to intimidate the critics. You would think at some point they
>would say, hey, it's not just the tepid David Corns of the world, we're also
>getting a lot of criticism from people who genuinely share our hatred of
>capitalism. But their organizations are not structured to encourage that
>kind of thinking.

I dare say, however, that there is lack of self-examination among most critics of WW/IAC/ANSWER, not just Corns and Coopers, but also those who "genuinely share our hatred of capitalism." For instance, it is "they" and "their organizations," rather than "we" and "our organizations," that you are criticizing above, no? If we are really interested in overtaking and surpassing the mobilization capacity of WW/IAC/ANSWER, though, the question to be asked concerns not what "they" lack but _what "we" lack but "they" possess_:

(1) Contact information about committed anti-imperialist organizers in possession of useful phone trees/mailing lists who are scattered nationwide, who don't necessarily belong to "our organizations," but who are nonetheless ready to work their assess off getting buses and caravans of activists to major demonstrations that "our organizations" call, putting down their own money, rather than us paying them.

(2) Skills to collect further contact information of more organizers and activists at each new demonstration.

(3) Capacity to plan ahead, so as to be able to announce the next action at each demonstration. -- Yoshie

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