Christmas Shopping

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Thu Nov 21 20:49:20 PST 2002

- abastain from using any electronic media, such as telephones or internet, because the messages can be easily intercepted

- abstain from using any written messages - while they cannot be intercepted as easily as electronic messages, they leave incriminating paper trail, so I would use oral cimmunication instead

- I would minimize long distance communication to the necessary minum and use codes that are difficult to distinguish from everyday communication

- I would pay cash or postal money orders, I would not apply for any bank account or credit card (these can provide a wealth of incriminating evidence),

- I would minimize my purchases of goods that require background checks, such as cars, homes or insurance products; instead I would travel by public transit or taxi (it is also much cheaper than owning a car), and rent an apartment

- I would use a mail box linked to an expired address (e.g. a short term renatl) for my postal correspondence.

These are the simple methods that everyone can use to foil most attempts to collect any data by private or government agencies.



I read this list and laughed as I realized that many of the poorer people I serve (doing wheelchair repairs) follow this hide out prescription as a matter of course---because of poverty. So you can see that poverty is a quasi-criminal demi-terrorist status a priori.

When I fill out their work order, I ask for a home address and with some frequency I get an excuse like, well, I am staying with my sister (or some other relative or friend) right now, but you can use this address to reach me...

What's your phone number? This usually causes a brief silence as they figure out which of various phones are likely to get a message to them.

Answers like this are obvious reasons for the chronic under-reporting of poverty in the US. I would say a fair number, like fifteen percent, of the people I see everyday would completely escape notice by das Reichssicherheitshauptamt USA.

Chuck Grimes

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