Contact Information, Etc. Re: Corn transcript

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Nov 21 22:39:20 PST 2002

At 6:24 PM -0500 11/21/02, DoreneFC at wrote:
>Liza defines herself as a journalist whose job it is to report
>things, not necessarily to agitate. Why is it her job as opposed to
>some hypothetical horde of other activists either to motivate WWP /
>IAC/ ANSWER toward self-examination or to "think like a socialist

There are journalists, and there are journalists -- journalists who stand outside a social movement on which they report, and journalists who stand inside it. (Just as there are lawyers who stand outside a social movement whose participants they defend, and there are lawyers who stand inside it.) I thought that Liza counted herself as among the latter, given her work -- especially her book _Students Against Sweatshops_, which she co-authored with United Students Against Sweatshops activists (Cf. <>). If _Students Against Sweatshops_ isn't an instance of "advocacy journalism," what is?

Besides, Liza already conceived and organized a forum on "anti-capitalist entrepreneurs" (see <>) _and_ advertised the event here (and elsewhere, I assume). Thinking like a "socialist entrepreneur" can't be alien to her. What she did for the forum she organized, she can do for NION, United for Peace, or any other coalition or organization she wishes to promote as well.

At 6:24 PM -0500 11/21/02, DoreneFC at wrote:
>Why is self-examination among the WWP / IAC / ANSWER necessary to
>have an anti-war movement?

That depends. I'm simply laying out my ideas of how to promote self-examination on the part of WW/IAC/ANSWER _and_ their critics, given frequent remarks here that there is lack of it among leftists. Competition can actually help promote excellence in products and services -- or so insists my estimable mentor and friend Justin Schwartz! -- if it is not mutually destructive, that is.

Toward a market socialism in activism! ;-> -- Yoshie

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