Bush = moron?

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Fri Nov 22 08:16:07 PST 2002

> But Clinton ran the U.S. for 8 years, and he was a very smart,
> informed, and articulate guy. Had Gore won, he'd have been rather
> similar, minus the scampish charm.

That is one of key reasons why the right hated Cointon so much and loved Ragan so much. It is an essentially authoritarian concept of the state which is shared, inter alia, by the CPUSSR and GOP. Clinton & Co. represented a different model, which right now has definitely taken a back seat.

> So are you outlining a general
> principle, or just explaining accidents of history?

Jistory is nut a series of "accidents" or contingencies (which have their own explanations, of course). But beliveing that there is a generla principle or the cause in history is essentially untenable. That does not mean that you cannot cook one up, as generations of Hegellians, Kodratievities, or Wallersteinian have done, but they are but Platonic ideas, or figments of human imagination, if you will. They can be falsified quite easily.


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