H. Rap Brown (was Re: Corn transcript)

Luke Weiger lweiger at umich.edu
Fri Nov 22 17:34:25 PST 2002

Justin wrote:

> Not what Carrol is saying.

Perhaps not. However, in light of the fact that he also shared this little anecdote

"We weren't about to defend a random murder by some drug dealer (regardless of who the victim was, cop or not a cop) -- but neither were we going to be put in a position of defending cops."

I think it's plausible to think that Carrol wouldn't mind defending a non-random murder by a lefty, even if there were no procedural questions about the fairness of the trial he received (much less substantive questions about the person's guilt).

> This is a disturbing case about which there are serious doubts. In those
> circumstances, those who share those doubts should
> voice them. jks

Not at any venue.

-- Luke

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