Agitprop and Panegyric Re: Contact Information

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Nov 22 18:24:27 PST 2002

At 5:23 PM -0500 11/22/02, Liza Featherstone wrote:
>Mentioning some of the problems does disqualify it from functioning
>as pure agitprop

Nowhere did I say that you should never mention any problem in the anti-war movement. I simply proposed that you or anyone who is worried about WW/IAC/ANSWER's apparent hegemony in big nationwide mobilizations against the war do a couple of write-ups before upcoming NION and United for Peace actions, especially as NION and United for Peace appear to have trouble getting the word out in as timely a fashion, and getting as much advance coverage, as WW/IAC/ANSWER. Surely you can do write-ups that advertise upcoming NION and United for Peace actions while sharply analyzing any problems you may see in them.

I'd even go so far as to say that an agitprop piece that consists of nothing but encomiums doesn't actually do the work that agitprop is supposed to do. No problem = no conflict = no drama, and it is drama that makes political participation exciting for many.

That said, we moderns may also want to relearn the lost art of panegyric -- a public speech or writing in praise of some person, thing, or achievement -- and of praise songs in some oral traditions in Africa. We moderns -- especially those of us who are immersed in liberal and/or Marxist traditions -- tend to feel that we are intellectually negligent and politically delinquent unless we constantly engage in ruthless criticism of all that exists. The only respectable place for eloquent panegyrics and praise songs in modern, secular, and left-wing discourse may be obituaries. -- Yoshie

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