Alterman's list

Peter K. peterk at
Sun Nov 24 07:55:05 PST 2002

>A few figures on the left do come close to fitting the peacenik caricature
>currently in fashion. If Alexander Cockburn, Noam Chomsky or Gore Vidal has
>ever had anything balanced or nuanced to say about America's role in the
>world, I've missed it. But excluding Chomsky's (considerable) authority on
>college campuses and Vidal's among the global glitterati, their influence is

I remember thinking the Nation was over after reading Alterman's first few columns.

>and reputation. Not a single reference, in other words, to names like:
>Rorty, Walzer, Wills, Kuttner, Meyerson, Hertzberg, Rich, Krugman, Reich,
>Gitlin, Berman, Ivins, Green, Hoffmann, Gates, Kennedy (Edward, Randy, David
>and Paul), West, Judis, Kazin, Brinkley, Tomasky, Jackson, FitzGerald,
>Didion, Dyson, Power, Moyers, Frank, Pelosi, Feingold, McGovern (Jim and
>George), Wilentz, Fallows, McGrory, Navasky, vanden Heuvel, Kinsley, Scheer,
>Conason, Packer, Cohen, etc.

Oh boy! Makes the heart race. Who's FitzGerald? Who's Power? Who's McGrory? Who's Meyerson? Hoffmann? Green?

Jackson, Conason, Packer? Give me a break.


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