Hitchens has completely lost his mind

budge budge at el-pleasant.org
Tue Nov 26 08:39:53 PST 2002

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 at 1:50pm Michael Pollak wrote:
> Just out of curiousity, what did Reiff have to say? I
> read a review of his recent book that made it seem like
> a sorta-but-not-quite mea-culpa for supporting
> humanitarian intervention over other forms of mediation
> because he was beginning to think it had turned out
> slightly more complicated than he'd given it credit for.
> I was curious what he has to say about Iraq.

He's (currently) against the proposed Gulf War II. I don't think he's done any wholesale revamping of his point of view on intervention in general. He retains his contempt for things to the left of Dissent Magazine as was evident when he excoriated a questioner for referring to the new police powers of the US as 'gestapo' powers. (kudos from Hitch and small applause from audience for this comment)

I apologize, but I cannot give more than this impressionistic report as I wasn't actually sitting watching the segment, but was doing house chores and half listening to it.

-- no Onan

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